A Stadium SWAPP: Dragons’ Move to Principality Stadium Sees the Rugby Team Use SWAPP Lite

Dragons Rugby’s decision to move three home games in the Guinness PRO14 to Principality Stadium in Cardiff means the Newport-based team will benefit from our SWAPP Lite safety app.

The Dragons join the Welsh Rugby Union, Cardiff Rugby, and Scarlets Rugby, who have all adopted the SWAPP Lite app for their home fixtures.

The SWAPP Lite app – which is currently used at Principality Stadium, Cardiff Arms Park, and Parc Y Scarlets – was created for the Welsh Rugby Union in 2020. It was successfully rolled out at the Autumn Internationals home games at Parc Y Scarlets. It was also used for all of the WRU’s Six Nations home games at Principality Stadium.

You can find out how the WRU are using SWAPP Lite this Six Nations here.

Even with Welsh sport being played behind closed doors, there’s still lots of people to keep safe – from the teams and staff to medics, contactors, and the media. And SWAPP Lite is helping Welsh rugby teams do just that.

The safety app – which is a bespoke version of the original app we created for Transport for Wales – features a handy QR code scanner, valuable track and trace, and pre-registration features. It also monitors standards and accreditations. This makes sure that all members of staff and contractors are up-to-date and meet the current required guidelines.

We’re also continually enhancing SWAPP Lite’s safety features. A fire register, and a new look sign in/out book are among the latest app updates.

Its adoption by Principality Stadium means it will also benefit events beyond the rugby pitch.

“The SWAPP Lite software becomes a real venue asset,” says Vindico MD, Jo Polson.

“As we gradually ease lockdown restrictions, venues will naturally be looking to optimise revenue streams by reintroducing corporate events, conferences, and general venue hire.

“The adoption of SWAPP Lite means that any businesses or organisations hiring the venue will also be able to benefit from its safety features. It offers an added dimension of safety, and gives event organisers a clear vision of who is on site, and compliant.

“That in itself is a selling point for venues.”

Could your venue, team, or event benefit from our SWAPP Lite safety app?

Drop us a line to find out how we can help you operate smoothly and safely both during and after the pandemic.


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