Meet AddClarity.

Clear metrics you can share with your sponsors

    What is AddClarity

    AddClarity is a software service that will deliver clear and honest information on your TV facing sponsorship. This may sound rather simplistic but it's exactly what AddClarity delivers.  


    Having worked along side sport for almost 2 decades we understand the challenges that accompany Sponsorship and delivering value.

    More so, we have grown to the point that we are sponsors ourselves. It's the mixture of these two understandings that led us to create AddClarity. In true Vindico style, we wanted better questions than "What's your budget" or "Shall we renew for next year", we wanted "What would you like to achieve?"

    So yes our cloud platform delivers intuitive dashboards, simple reports and true video clips of your advertising effectiveness, which is wonderful, but what we really hope is that you are all asking asking better questions because of it.


    #THINKPURPLE- To Deliver Better Outcomes by Asking Better Questions

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