Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Studies

Techniquest is Wales’ leading Science Museum.

Its cutting-edge exhibits, interactive experiences, and world-wide reputation attracts school children and families from across the country. The science hub’s experts also work closely with schools and teachers to provide services that complement formal education in Wales.

The Science Capital is Techniquest’s latest project. It promises to radically transform the science discovery centre and make science accessible to everyone in Wales.

Since the pandemic hit in early 2020, online accessibility and digital outreach of this experience has never been more crucial.

That’s where we came in…


Traditionally, school children have visited Techniquest through science trips. But as schools increasingly turn to online learning and resources, Techniquest needed a digital platform to house and distribute themed science content for classrooms.

Alongside in-person visits, this content would help teachers deliver fun, cutting-edge science content that would engage and help students understand all aspects of science.

Then COVID-19 hit.

With museums forced to close, the only way Techniquest could continue to engage with teachers and classrooms was virtually.

They urgently needed that digital outreach platform – and pronto.

#ThinkPurple Solution.

Sure, the pandemic accelerated the need for this project. And, of course time was of the essence, but our #ThinkPurple approach (in case you missed it: that means asking better questions to deliver the best results), means we can keep cool, work hard and get results – no matter what the situation.

But back to the solution.

We developed a Digital Outreach platform that lets schools access science content through pre-purchased access.

It’s simple, intuitive, and lets teachers easily get hold of relevant teaching materials and resources for their classroom. These include themed videos and teaching materials on a variety of science topics in both Welsh and English. Some materials are downloadable, whereas others are viewable only through the platform.

We also developed a bespoke Content Management system that allows Techniquest to manage its science content, resources, and users. It also generates single-use redemption codes that can be purchased through Techniquest’s existing ticketing systems.

We should also mention that we developed both the Digital Outreach Platform and the bespoken Content Management System for Techniquest in just one month. Yes, you read that right – one month.

It was good-to-go by September 2020, and it’s being piloted at a number of Welsh Schools as we speak.


The aim of this project was to deliver highly engaging and theatrical STEM themed shows and content to excite and engage pupils from across the whole of Wales – especially during times where in-person visits aren’t possible.  

“Vindico’s forward-thinking approach, and ability to work to an extremely tight deadline, helped us transform the idea into a digital solution that is now delivering content to pupils across Wales. The project, which is currently in its pilot phase, is already a great success. The positive feedback we’ve received has been overwhelming – and we can’t wait to see the full scope of this digital platform as the project evolves.”

– Gareth McTiffin, Head of Commercial Development at Techniquest

Tenovus is a charity that’s committed to bringing people equal access to the best treatment and support.

They conduct and fund research that aims to improve cancer outcomes and experiences. The charity also continues to develop healthy lifestyle programmes that raise awareness of cancer and prevention.

Their ongoing research continues to evolve the practical advice, emotional support and treatment options available to both cancer patients and their loved ones. 


Tenovus recently partnered with UWTSD (University of Wales Trinity Saint David). Working with the university’s KESS-funded PhD studentship, the task was to develop a tool that allows them to measure, analyse, and tailor treatment options for optimal patient wellbeing. 

That’s where we came in.

Our task was to design and deliver a psychological evaluation tool to provide insights into the effectiveness of cancer treatments. 

The tool needed to record and measure the patient’s quality of life, anxiety levels, depression, and health status. It also needed to be easy to access and simple to use.

#ThinkPurple Solution.

We designed, developed and implemented an intuitive online visualisation tool. It measures multiple aspects of a patient’s wellbeing – from physical and social to emotional and physical quality of life. 

The tool lets patients fill in one or multiple questionnaires based around treatment and wellbeing. 

Once the results are submitted, they’re then fed into algorithms that use psychological techniques. This, in turn, offers data and insights on the patient’s wellbeing before, during, and after receiving cancer treatment. 

This provides Tenovus with a statistical overall outlook on both the treatment outcomes and quality of life of cancer patients throughout each stage of treatment. 

The results highlight the psychological state of the patient, and can help Tenovus identify anxiety and depression cases, borderline cases, and non-cases.

It also helps determine which treatments are most effective, which treatments leave less psychological strain on patients, and also offers an insights into how treatments affect different age groups and genders.

Gaiagroup UK have been pioneering the design and supply of remote and off-grid power systems since 2011. 

From their very first Solawedge products to their latest Solatainer, Gaiagroup UK is at the forefront of renewable energy innovation. 

Their mission is to reduce the environmental impact and fuel consumption of construction sites across the UK. 

But it’s tricky business. 

Balancing optimum working conditions for construction site staff with managing power consumption and environmental impact is a tough gig. 

And it’s just the type of gig we love. 

The brief. 

Gaiagroup UK came to us with the concept of an IOT (Thats means Internet Of Things, by the way) platform. It needed to measure, monitor, and manage power distribution across construction sites. It also needed to maintain optimum conditions while minimising the site’s carbon footprint.

Gaiagroup UK knew there had to be a way – and if there was a way, we’d find it.

Spoiler: they were right.

#ThinkPurple Solution.

We put Gaiagroup UK’s smart distribution IOT concept through our incubator to transform the concept into a prototype that would then become a product – known today as Automate

But let us elaborate. 

Working closely with the client, we redesigned both the hardware and software with maximum accuracy, reliability, scalability and power control in mind.

The result is a Power Distribution and Management IOT Platform that’s been designed to reduce CO2 emissions, fuel consumption and generator size on small to large construction projects.

It uses sensors, actuators and software to measure, monitor and control power consumption across multiple portacabins on a construction site. It also intuitively diverts power away from non-essential supplies, and supplies additional power where and when it’s needed.

It’s adaptable design also means it can be retrofitted with existing power distribution systems, or custom-fitted inside cabins to measure, monitor and control non-essential power (such as heating and drying facilities).

We also created diagnostic dashboards that accurately deliver end-to-end reporting of data using both Automate and the Cloud.

In fact, we became so impressed with the sheer scope of this project that we at Vindico decided to invest in the product.

Today, Automate helps over a dozen construction sites reduce CO2 emissions and fuel consumption by 50%. That’s a huge saving for both organisations and the environment.

“When I came to Vindico, I had a concept, a deep understanding of an industry, logic of how the functions work – but that wasn’t enough. The guys at Vindico had the intelligence to understand where my brain was, pick it apart and put it back together again as lines of code.
“Their whole process is remarkable. This product wouldn’t have worked if I’d have gone to any other developer.”

– Jamie Morris, Founder of GaiaGroup UK

Llanelli is one of the most famous rugby towns in the world. It’s also the focal point for one of the most passionately supported rugby clubs in the world – the Scarlets.

In 2008, the newly built Parc Y Scarlets became the Scarlets and Llanelli RFC’s new home. The state-of-the art stadium has become synonymous with cutting-edge technology – and we’re proud to be the people behind the design, build and management of the stadium’s entire tech infrastructure.

In fact, we’re so committed to its success that our team are there on every match day to make sure that Parc Y Scarlets’ tech operations are delivered seamlessly.

So, when disaster struck, we knew exactly how to tackle it.


A key feature of the new stadium was a large pitch-side screen.

It looked great, but making sure it delivered seamlessly took a lot of time and effort. The system needed two people, using two different controllers, to manage the game’s content and output. On top that, it also had some reliability issues that made us question its efficiency.

It was an uphill struggle.

Then, in 2014, disaster struck.

The screen’s controller system broke down beyond repair – and some serious #ThinkPurple action was needed.

Rather than rebuild a mirror of what was there before, we sat down with (then) General Manager David Stock to understand exactly what he wanted to achieve.

Armed with a blank pieces of paper and plenty of ideas, we were sure this would be a valuable meeting.

What did we get?

The Scarlets GM drew a simple diagram (see below). Yes, that’s right – a stick man holding a small square.

#ThinkPurple Solution.

Although basic, the diagram represented was a man holding an iPad at the pitch’s halfway line. And it really got us thinking.

We left the meeting and immediately got to work by asking lots of questions. LOTS!

But we’ve worked with the Scarlets for 20 years – and they trusted that we would deliver.

We wanted to understand everything from broadcasters’ requirements and pre-match advertising to social media feed integration and what in-game action was needed – such as TMO (which is rugby talk for “give me another look, please”).

This opened up even more questions, posed a ton of considerations and gave us a heap of research to do – and the pressure was on. We had just six weeks to develop and build the prototype that needed to be ready for the first game of the season.

But we delivered.

It wasn’t pretty, but the new product was faultless, and it delivered flawlessly.

We called it: Vindishow (see what we did there?).

This cutting-edge product used the latest technology to take in live video direct from the broadcasters – upgrading it from SD to HD – to deliver instant control to the Scarlets via one simple and intuitive interface.

As the season progressed, we also added iPad control and social media integration.

Vindishow has now been running for six seasons at Parc Y Scarlets, and we
continue to evolve the product to this very day.

Gone are the days where two panicked people, synchronising watches and praying to the AV Gods that the system wouldn’t crash as Leigh Halfpenny crossed the try line.

Now, it’s as simple as a tap on an iPad.

“I had only been working at the Scarlets for a short while as General Manager, but the existing pain of the big screen system was well-known. It stressed the staff, and upset sponsors and broadcasters.
“I had the picture of the perfect system in my head, but I didn’t actually think it’s what I’d get! When I was first handed the iPad, and I pressed a few buttons, I think I smiled all day.”
– David Stock, Former General Manager

Designing and delivering a website is no easy feat. Designing and delivering a website during a pandemic poses even more challenges. So, when Tai Ceredigion and Mid-Wales Housing Association merged to become Barcud in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, they knew they would need plenty of creativity and agility. They were undergoing a complete brand transformation. And they needed a feel that was fresh, distinct and different.


The merger and rebrand called for brand new website. And, thanks to lockdowns and quarantines, the brand’s digital presence would be all the more important.

Luckily, we knew exactly what to do.

“We were looking for a company with innovative ideas,” says Barcud’s  Communications Officer, Janice Thomas.

“We needed a company who could design and deliver a website during a pandemic, while taking into account all the different digital platforms.

“The company would need to have the capacity to fulfil a tight deadline, and would be able to approach the project with a positive, ‘can do’ attitude.

“A company based in Wales was also important.”

#ThinkPurple Solution.

In true #ThinkPurple style, our Lead Creative, Kieran, worked closely with Barcud to understand what the client wanted to achieve.

To make sure we designed and delivered the best possible website – despite the pandemic – Keiran also used in-depth analytics from both current sites. This provided the concrete evidence that would inform key decisions throughout the entire process.

Or, as Janice puts it:

“Websites can be frightening things for muggles, and Kieran put us at ease!

“He worked with us,  took our ideas on board, and provided justified reasoning behind why things would and would not work.

“Kieran had the added complexity of working with two different organisations as the merger had not been completed.  This inevitably meant different ideas and priorities. But he dealt with everything in a very professional, calm, and diplomatic manner – even at the eleventh hour!”

The result is a new organisation with a clear, easy to navigate and fresh-looking website that sets Barcud apart from all other housing associations.

“It’s different to all other housing association websites”, says Janice.

“We’ve been praised on how easy it is to navigate, and how clean and sharp it looks. It’s everything we set out to achieve and we’re very happy with the outcome.”

Live Welsh sport is slowly creeping back onto our screens. But even with games being played behind closed doors, there’s still a huge responsibility to keep teams, staff, contractors, and broadcasters safe.

With people travelling from all over the country to make tournaments like the Six Nations and the Autumn Cup possible, the WRU’s focus is to deliver the best possible event with the safest possible working environment.

That’s why they came to us.


The WRU were looking for an app that would safely control access to the home stadiums. It also needed to track and trace everyone signing in and out of each game.

They’d seen a system being used by football club Tottenham Hotspur, but they knew it could be made better.

#ThinkPurple Solution.

On Friday 16th October 2020, we presented our SWAPP app to the WRU. They loved our unique concept but needed something that could be taken on the road. It would also have to withstand the wider challenges of the upcoming rugby internationals.

The solution?

SWAPP Lite. It’s a unique app that we developed to meet the strict safety guidelines of both the WRU and the Welsh Government.


Well, SWAPP Lite allows the WRU to track and trace at home games. The app also has an added permit module that allows teams, staff, broadcasters, and contractors to register in advance – and confirm that they’re safe to attend each event.

By Monday 19th October we’d agreed the user journeys and visuals. But this entire new system had to be good to go that Friday.


Coffee. Lots of coffee.

With such a tight turnaround, there was no room for error – and we had to get it right first time. Nothing could get in our way – not even a fire that broke out in our Lead Developer Claudia’s building.


Yes, Really.

But, ever the professional, Claudia calmly took her laptop outside and continued to work out in the street until 10pm that night. Yes, that’s the level of commitment we have here at Vindico, and YES, we’re so lucky to have her.

That Friday, we delivered the bespoke SWAPP Lite to the WRU – and they loved it!

SWAPP Lite went live that weekend to broadcasters, press and contractors. It was also used to help keep everyone safe at over 20 of the WRU’s events and match days over the following six weeks.

Following its success at the Autumn Internationals, the WRU are also using SWAPP Lite to keep their teams and staff safe during this year’s Six Nations home games.

“It’s brilliant to continue our work with the WRU and build on what we delivered for the Autumn Internationals at Parc y Scarlets,” Says Vindico MD, Jo Polson.

“Even with games being played behind closed doors, there is still a huge responsibility to keep teams, staff, contractors, and broadcasters safe.

“Bringing SWAPP Lite to the Principality Stadium and Cardiff Arms Park through the WRU means we yet again get to help sport take place safely in Wales.

“There is definitely more to come from SWAPP in the coming months. We have created a really simple tool with huge scope that can just as easily be used to help our kids get back to school – something I know my Wife would like very much!”

Terrorism. Not a month goes by without the buzzword popping up somewhere in the press. It’s also one of the key reasons why the CRiB project was created.

#ThinkPurple  / K Sharp Insight.

Led by our partners K Sharp, the CRiB system focuses on the safety of crowds. It’s a direct response to the Defence and Security Accelerator’s “Improving Crowd Resilience” document.

Launched in the wake of the terrorist incidents at Manchester Arena, Westminster, and London Bridge, the CRiB system brings together technology, psychology, and marketing with an expert understanding of crowd behaviour and safety.

And that’s exactly what K Sharp do best.


The CRiB project uses existing Beacon technology to increase the resilience of crowds under extreme events.

Beacon technology is already widely used in city centres, sports stadiums, and shopping centres worldwide. And, up until now, it’s been primarily used for proximity marketing purposes.

But the CRiB project is demonstrating that an iBeacon network – as part of a wider system that includes a smartphone and a cloud server interface – can be developed and adapted to broadcast threat identification information to crowds.

Yes, really.

With a focus on crowd safety, the CRiB project is innovating these same technologies to allow gatherings of people to interact with a network of iBeacons via a simple smartphone app.

This lets crowds:

  • Access contextual threat information

  • Contribute to the common operating picture (informing threat information)

  • Receive alerts directly to their smartphone device when in the immediate vicinity of a reported terrorist incident


“This was a very important project after such horrific terrorist events as those experienced in London and Manchester in 2017,” says K Sharp’s Research Director, Amanda Kirby.

“K Sharp were so pleased to have the CRiB project funded by DASA. It gave us the opportunity to demonstrate how people in crowds can offer rich information on their environment. People need to know what to do during a terrorist event – and where they should go to stay safe. Equally, they also need to know when it’s safe to carry on as normal.”

“The project shows that managers of large public spaces find it very difficult to collect information from people in their crowds. Disseminating useful and timely information to crowds is also a challenge.

“To overcome this, the CRiB system is able to alert people in a certain location and advise them to move away from the area as quickly as possible. CRiB also offers real-time, traceable data on events in busy places such as sports stadiums and city centres.

“The CRiB system’s benefits also extend beyond crowd safety. It provides guidance to tourists new to a city, plus online check-in and directions to seating areas in sports stadiums and concert venues.”

Brave Bear Trust is committed to keeping children everywhere safe from exploitation.

The charity educates, empowers, and equips children to know how to keep themselves and others safe from exploitation through their story book, Brave, and a range of accompanying resources.

This was predominantly delivered face-to-face through school visits and talks. When the pandemic hit, it impacted Brave Bear Trust like so many other educational providers.

Unable to access schools and utilise the hard copy versions of the book, Brave Bear Trust knew they needed to digitise their approach if they wanted to keep their audiences engaged and informed.



Brave Bear Trust were looking to adapt their approach with a digital storybook and assets that would help them reach existing audiences online when face-to-face talks and visits weren’t possible.

The charity also wanted to take it one step further and harness digital assets to grow their audiences and expand their reach to even more children in schools, homes, and communities across the UK. 

At Vindico, we’re known for helping organisations adapt to changing climates. And we had just the solution to transform Brave Bear Trust’s storybook into a digital animation that could be accessed by anyone, anytime.


#ThinkPurple Solution.


Vindico Lead Creative, Kieran, worked closely with the team at Brave Bear Trust to create an

animated video that would tell the story of their book, Brave.

This digital animation needed to convey the story in a way that was sympathetic, engaging, and empowering. It also needed to be easily accessible online, any time, and for free.

To deliver the best possible outcome, this digital animation project was split into two stages.

The first stage is what we dubbed ‘the ‘stitching together stage’. It involved Kieran arranging every video clip sent over from the client into the correct order, editing and cutting bloopers, and making sure the video flowed seamlessly.

The second stage is what Kieran described as ‘the really fun stage’. This involved our Lead Creative cutting each image out into separate layers and individually animating each figure in those images.

The animations turned out great, but – always ones to take a project to the next level – we decided to add background noise during the animated sections to really bring each scene to life!

Once the animations were complete, Kieran inserted them throughout the video and fine-tuned the file with some simple styling and sound tweaks to bring the whole thing together.

“This was a really fun project to be involved in,” says Kieran.

“The finished video turned out great, and it’s nice to know that such a fun project to work on will also be used for such a great cause by engaging with children and raising more awareness of exploitation.”


Here’s what Brave Bear Trust’s CEO, Heather Lewis had to say:


“Brave Bear Trust are so grateful to Vindico for their generosity and excellence in producing an animated video version of our story book, Brave.


“In 2020, more children than adults were identified as potential victims of slavery for the first time ever in the UK.  We want to enable children to know how to keep themselves and others safe through our sensitive and appropriate resources, and Vindico have helped to enable that to happen. 


“Kieran has been extremely generous with his time, communicated with excellence and we are so thankful for all he and the team have given to us.  It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Kieran and the Vindico team!”

Transport for Wales are driving the Welsh Government’s vision of a high-quality, safe, integrated, affordable, and accessible transport network.

This vision applies to everyone – from passengers to staff to contractors. So, when they needed to streamline visitor and contractor management across all of their rail depots, they turned to Vindico.


Transport for Wales and Vindico have an established relationship that goes way back. Vindico have been providing digital signage, WiFi, and live customer information for the Transport for Wales last five years. This relationship has taught us a lot about how Transport for Wales works. It’s also given us insight into the challenges of controlling access to their depots throughout Wales – especially with the new Covid regulations.

Transport for Wales originally came to us to provide a solution to help them comply with the changing regulations. They also wanted to make sure their workplace was as safe as it possibly could be.

What we pitched wouldn’t just solve these problems for Transport for Wales. It would become a catalyst to achieve so much more.

#ThinkPurple Solution.

Enter SWAPP (Smart Workplace Application).

Working closely with Transport for Wales for over nine months, we were able to collate all of the brand’s up-to-date practices, processes, and policies into one user-friendly app.

Finally going live in August 2021, SWAPP is now used to streamline their approach, while providing optimum safety for everyone on site.

The platform doesn’t just control access to each of Transport for Wales’ sites, it also runs their inductions, snagging, incident reporting, and monitors every project and job on site.

SWAPP’s key features include:

  • Sign in/out (across all offices and sites, for staff, visitors, and contractors)

  • Site dashboards (providing info on who is where, and key project information)

  • Fire roll call (for each site)

  • Staff directory (with bios, click-to-email function, and contact info)

  • Inductions

  • Notice board

  • Reporting (of accidents, incidents, and snagging)

  • Accreditation (and permit to work creation)

  • Integrated document viewer (so no more searching through emails for the right attachments)


Digitising the experience means the old sign in book is gone for good. Live dashboards that offer a complete overview of each site have replaced endless email chains that provided only a singular view of projects and incidents.

It’s also simplified the process for contractors and team members. A single portal allows them to upload all relevant safety certification and Risk Assessment Method Statements (RAMS) in advance. It also manages work requests and advanced screening – giving Transport for Wales ability to manage and assess contractors before they are permitted on site.

SWAPP has made the entire process simpler and better for Transport for Wales. It’s become their key contact system, and its innovative capabilities have satisfied unions and other departments along the way.

Although this foundation is leading the way for smarter, safer workplaces, Vindico’s development team are continually updated and improving SWAPP’s features to keep it one step ahead. New features and modules soon to be added will range from asset tracking to rota management, so WATCH THIS SPACE!

“Vindico over-delivered. The scope kept changing and they continually added the requests to the system with smiles on their faces.

“SWAPP has totally transformed and improved contractor and visitor management for us at Transport for Wales – especially from a safety point of view in a very safety critical industry.” – Kieran Hickman, Transport for Wales 

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