Vindico has signed up for another season of platinum sponsorship with the Cardiff Devils ice hockey team.
Sure, Vindico are tech and innovation experts and problem-solvers, but we’re also massive Cardiff Devils fans, too.
In fact, we’re not just a proud sponsor of the Cardiff Devils, we love the team so much that you’ll find our Cardiff HQ at Ice Arena Wales.
Speaking of the partnership with the Cardiff Devils, Vindico MD, Jo Polson, says
“It was such an easy decision to continue our sponsorship of the Cardiff Devil’s. We’ve even gone one step further this season by becoming the Innovation Partner for Ice Arena Wales – which is a perfect fit for our company and ethos.
“It obviously helps being a fan of the Devils as well, but it’s brilliant to have a different offering for clients and friends that isn’t just the traditional rugby and football. We actually have a staff rota in Vindico because the demand for our place in the Devils Corporate Lounge is so high!”
You’ll mostly find The Vindico team vying for those coveted match night seats – in between solving all of your tech problems, of course.